The seniors reflect on their last play
Throwback: senior actors Olivia Moody and Celia Ball perform the play “Annie Jr.” in 2018 as eighth-graders
As the rehearsals of Bethel Park Falls near an end, seniors reflect on their experience in the theatre program as a whole.
“It hasn’t hit me yet, but I know it will during that final week, I’m sad at the end of every show, but this feels different because I know it’s my last one, and there will be no other plays after this,” Olivia Moody said.
Ella DeVage, feels bittersweet emotions about her final play
“The two emotions that I feel the most are one, excitement, just to be able to go out in style, and two, regret that I didn’t do it freshman and sophomore year, because I really enjoy everything that this (theater) had brought to me,” DeVage said.
Seniors all agree that theater brings people together like a large family and the strength of the community is like a hometown.
“We all have this really strong bond between us like even if you’re new to theater, within the first few weeks you feel like you’ve been there for years,” DeVage said.
For Wyatt Russell, who joined theater as freshman, the program made her transition into high school easier. Theater gave her a group of friends she could turn to.
“I feel like I really got a good group of people who even if I’m not friend, per se, with them, I feel like can come to them and they’ll listen, and I can rely on them,” Russell said.
Amanda Woosley credits the theater department helped her character development and caused her to grow as a person in order to succeed.
“When I first came into theater, I was a completely different person than I am now. If I looked back I probably wouldn’t even recognize myself,” Woosley said.
Lauren Sawhook intends to continue her theater career at Miami University. The program performs six shows a year and anyone can audition for the shows.
Seniors hope to see more students, especially guys, auditioning for the productions or joining stage crew, which manages the props backstage.
“I think some guys are afraid because like, at least here, it’s mostly girls and they might be afraid of trying something different or getting made fun of. I really hope that people can see that it’s truly for everybody. I want to see everyone who wants to try it, be able to try it. Everyone has a place in theater, whether it’s in the cast, or on stage crew.” Moody said.
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