Alex, Senior

Alex, Senior

“Whatever class you’re in or whatever sport you’re in, just make friends because those friends will shape you. Those friends are who makes you who you are.

I did Bowling for four years, and every year there were new people. I would have never met one of my really close friends who’s now in college if I had never done bowling. We still talk very often. [Noah] was older so he gave me advice and we hung out and we helped each other out. Once he dropped a bowling ball on my friend’s head. He was doing it as a joke. My friend was tying his shoe and he was acting like he’s gonna drop the bowling ball on his head and then he actually did. We still laugh about it.

Freshman year when I used to go to young life, [Bayleigh and I] just connected on the spot. There was a small group of us–a couple guys and a couple girls, and we’re just talking with each other because we didn’t really know anyone and then she was kind enough to just come up and introduce herself because she was a sophomore. Then we started talking and it just clicked and everything fell in place. We became really good friends, and we’ve been best friends for three years. 

[I was friends with] older people until I became an older person. Now I’m starting to become friends with younger people. When I was younger, I was looking for advice or guidance and looking for friends that were older that could show me stuff that they already know. And now that I’m older, I feel like that’s kind of what I need to do. Make people feel comfortable at the high school and adjust more and whatnot. I guess it used to be bullying the freshmen. Now it’s more helping them adjust and trying to help them enjoy high school.”

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