The Trans-Masc guide to clothes
Oliver Mack, Web Manager
When I first started to transition, one of my main struggles was clothes. Nothing fit how I wanted it to and I felt uncomfortable in a body I already hated. I didn’t want to be seen because the atrocity of trial and error in finding clothes made me feel less than who I really wanted to be.

Shirts were one of the first things I switched to using men’s instead of women’s. What I found is that the typical men’s shirt is one size larger than women’s, if you wear a medium in women’s you’d want to wear a small in men’s, and so forth. Personally, it depends on how I want my shirt to fit to determine if I buy a medium or large.

Pants were the trickiest to figure out. While women’s pants run from small and onward, men’s do not. Most men’s pants measure your waist and the length of your leg. The smallest men’s pants go to for the waist is 26 inches which is equivalent to a women’s 2. I found a size chart to help you find the right waist size as well as other clothing sizes. The length depends on how long your leg ...

Shoes transition easily. Of course, this does depend on the brand, I recommend trying on different sizes to see which best fits your foot. There's approximately a 1.5 size difference. I wear a 9 in women's but a 7.5 or 8 in men’s. Gender-neutral shoe sizing is also sized in men’s so make sure you buy the correct size. Ultimately it comes down to feel and comfort which can cause shoe sizes to f...

Wanting men’s underwear was an uncomfortable conversation to have. I was embarrassed about it especially because people don’t talk about underwear. My mom took me to pick out what pairs I wanted at Target. In the aisle, I felt like everyone was staring at me. Even when no one was around, I could feel the judgment, the disgusted looks, and disapproving nods. I got past it though. My favorite bra...

Binders depend on which brand you use, and they’ll all have different sizing charts that they provide but I had trouble with measuring because I don’t own a fabric tape measure. This website provides you with a measuring tape, all you have to do is print it, and you’re good to go. Every binder also has its pros and cons. I don’t particularly like GC2B, they’re a great starter binder, but t...

Tape is another option to bind. I’ve only tried tape a couple of times mainly because it’s a one-time use and ends up costing more than a binder. However, it’s better for your health because you aren’t putting pressure on your ribs. A popular brand is transtape. They have a starter kit that comes with tape, oil, nipple covers, and a recovery balm. I have never tried this brand because a common probl...

Free of fear
Starting out was tricky, confusing, and frustrating. As time goes on being seen as me became easier. I’m not scared to be myself anymore, I don’t care what others think of me, and I’m finally living a life I’m proud of. I know it’s hard to start having those conversations but, they are 1000% worth it because one day life won’t be such a battle. I believe in you, friend. ...
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