Arts & Entertainment staff picks: best television and films of the decade
In the decade of the last “Harry Potter” chapter, The “Avengers Infinity War” Saga happened, “Frozen” debuted, a new “Star Wars” trilogy premiered, “Stranger Things” kept us guessing, “Black Panther”inspired us, and “La La Land” captured our imaginations. The Arts & Entertainment staff picked their favorite Television show and Film from the past decade.
Kaitlyn Beauchamp’s picks
- This is Us- From the small house in Pennsylvania to LA and New York, follow the Pearsons: Jack, Rebecca, Randall, Kevin, and Kate, and their struggles about love, life, and relationships. “This Is Us” is an amazing show because you can relate with the struggles these people are going through. You can find new connections in fictional characters that rip at your heartstrings in ways that were so unexpected. You can’t help but cry and release everything that’s happening in your life. “This is Us” is one of those TV shows that knows how to make you think about how the story connects while you’re trying to figure out how relationships can affect a family. When “This is Us” airs, you will probably find me sitting on my bed with a bowl of popcorn and a box of tissues ready to see how the Pearsons are gonna make me feel after 42 minutes of laughter, sadness, and joy.
- Frozen 2- Yes, I know I’m a sucker for some sister bonding time especially since in the first movie they were separated the entire time, going on their own adventures. But, Frozen 2 was not only funny due to Olaf summarizing the first movie, and making a dad joke here or there, but also because it was bitter-sweet seeing the adventures that the sisters had to go on and watching them grow over time. Frozen 2 really lived up to its hype as you wandered “Into the Unknown” with the gang as they were fighting a new kingdom, rock giants, and the past. Disney has really stepped up their game with their animation skills with the water from Moana, the ice castle in the original Frozen, and the lantern scene from Tangled. This change in animation really shows when the wind blows by the characters in the Enchanted Forest, the way the water moves and transforms Nokk (Elsa’s horse), and the way the character’s hair flows. If these are the progressions Disney has done over the past decade, I can’t wait to see how their animation progresses in the next decade.
Sarah Dykhuizen’s picks
- The Mandalorian- Star Wars is changing and I like it. The (canon) world of Star Wars seems to be expanding every day as new visionaries make the universe more than what the originals could have let on. “The Mandalorian” takes a culture that fans knew very little about in passing and expands it. “The Mandalorian” is fantastic and I love Baby Yoda more than most people at school. “The Mandalorian” gives us a western with a good lead and has shots out of films instead of TV. It’s just solid. I’m so excited as this show continues in the 20s. I’m super excited that the success of less-classical Star Wars content like “Rogue One,” “The Mandalorian,” and in my opinion, “The Last Jedi” seem to push the universe in a million different directions with something different and unique for every fan.
- Spiderman: Into The Spider-Verse- Spiderman is one of the most popular heroes of all time. He has had thousands of versions made across comics, movies, and TV shows. Spider-verse is the best version of a Spider-man movie ever made (I also really like “Spiderman: Far-From-Home,” but this has an energy that is unmatched) Miles Morales offers a new perspective of the spider-man story that I enjoy. This new perspective gives us a new animation style that is unique and amazing. With it’s comic book style dots, panels, thought bubbles, and bright colors, it’s fun style is echoed in the cast of spider-people. Spider-Gwen is my personal favorite for nolgastic reasons alone (Spider-Gwen #1 was the first comic book I ever bought). Spider-Ham is voiced by one of my favorite comedians John Mulaney. Nic Cage came out of nowhere and delivered one of my favorite superhero performances as Spider-Noir. Peni Parker is adorable, and I love that she has Heelys. Peter B. Peter is iconic and I love how he has the most accurate Gen Z vibes. The characters in my opinion are the best part about this movie and will continue the superhero trend as being one of the most solid platforms for characters to become icons in the future.
Colin Emery’s picks
- The World According To Jeff Goldblum- Jeff Goldblum is what some would call, an acquired taste. His outlook on life is only partially seen in interviews, and it feels great to hear his personal opinions and thoughts on things in this small world of ours. From ice-cream to the world of antique denim, Goldblum has you covered. What he brings to the table is unique in the way he is able to so articulately and gracefully explain things in a Goldblum way that sometimes might make you need to re-watch a minute of the show to fully understand what he means. “The World According to Jeff Goldblum” is perfect for people with an acceptance of the weird and unusual or even someone just looking for something different to watch than the usual boring TV shows of repetitive nature.
- Avenger’s: Endgame- The end of an era. The fourth Avenger’s movie and the last of Marvel’s phase three movies brings the Infinity Saga to an end with a captivating ending. First off, the visual effects, as expected from Marvel, are phenomenal. From beloved characters such as Hulk to the main antagonist, Thanos, they look almost, if not more, realistic than life. The story arc explores new ideas that haven’t been experienced in the MCU before, such as altering timelines and paradoxes. “Endgame” pulls at the heartstrings with heart-wrenching scenes that will leave you feeling more connected to the characters on a deeper level. If you’ve seen “Endgame,” the quote, “I love you 3,000” should bring back some memories. The end of phase three most definitely is leaving fans of the MCU excited for the next phase of Marvel movies to come, and “Endgame” serves as a trophy of Marvel’s hard work and will stay relevant for years to come.
Ethan Greene’s picks
- Game of Thrones- If you’ve already made it this far into the article, you probably knew it was only a matter of time before the almighty GOT was made reference to. What made this series so fascinating was that it was a medieval “nerd” show that managed to appeal to millions of everyday people. And while the plot of Game of Thrones certainly had many interwoven layers, (and over one thousand characters) it didn’t require much intrinsic effort to enjoy or understand. Simply, HBO’s abundant use of character development and unforeseen plot twists managed to compel millions of viewers, even those who may not have enjoyed other shows within GOT’s genre. This makes the series a staple of both the 2010’s and television in general.
- Deadpool 1- The concept of Deadpool is certainly a strange one, yet its success in cinema seems to justify its eccentricities. The comedic superhero film manages to blend its inherent sense of topical humor with scenes of pathos-inducing grief and loss, all without any awkward synapses or confusing emotional overlap. Deadpool is certainly among the first of its kind to achieve this level of commercial success, and may even be an indicator for an overall shift in the tide of cinematic viewer interest. With that being said, this strange concoction of risk-driven humor and emotional catharsis has carved its name in the history of motion movies and the entire 2010’s.
Lexi Hackney’s picks:
- Lucifer- Crime fighting and religion: two things people wouldn’t usually put together. Using both, “Lucifer” makes a crude crime fighting duo with Chole Decker and the devil himself, Lucifer Morningstar. Together they take down criminals and Lucifer’s biblical acquaintances. Personally, I’d much rather watch this than go out on a Saturday night. The show’s director, Tom Kapinos, really knows how to capture an audience’s attention. I can’t possibly count the times I have cried and rejoiced while watching this show. Even though I personally can’t connect with the religious part of the show, it still piques my interest. Sadly this show has come to an end and I will have to be fine with watching each episode 5 times.
- Ready Player One- Virtual reality has been taken to a whole new level. Using music, movie, and pop culture references, this movie is a huge zeitgeist of the 70s and 80s–it’s the main reason I love this movie. The combination of CGI and live-action is perfect. The transition from one to another is scary good. Especially because if you haven’t seen or listened to some of the references they will just go over your head. Each time I watch this movie I make more connections.
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Sarah Dykhuizen is a junior and Arts and Entertainment staff writer. She loves acting and talking about her random passions. She has a lot of them and...

Hi, I’m Kaitlyn Beauchamp. I’m 17, and a Senior at Kings High School. I’m part of the Kings Color Guard. I have been in Girl Scouts for 12 years...