As winter fades away and spring takes its place now in March, the time for spring sports has begun. The student athletes are all practicing for the upcoming games they’ll play for their respective sport. Just recently, the opening practices for baseball have started off for a brand new season in 2024, and ours with a new team coach at that. How will this year for baseball unfold? Will we do better than last year? Worse? Will we get new players? See old ones return? How are the players adjusting to the new coach? Only time will tell of what will be this season’s ranking for Kings High School baseball, but one could speculate multiple different outcomes.
Our placing in 2023 was fairly solid. According to the ECC website’s page on baseball standings, we placed third out of all the schools who are on the chart, only behind Lebanon and the first place holder, West Clermont. With a solid overall win/loss ratio of 19-10, 174 runs scored, and 103 as the run average, it’s safe to say that 2023 was a successful year for our baseball team. However, second place is first place for losers, so what does that make third place? The Kings baseball team has the potential to do well this year, possibly even better than the last. And with Lebanon and West Clermont being just ahead of us, we have two rivals to strive towards.
In a survey conducted on the Kings High School baseball team, the results were quite positive. 50% voted that the team will perform well this season, with the other 50% saying the team will do fantastically. However, when it comes to the season’s difficulty, 62.5% voted that it will be about average and 37.5% voted that it will be a tough season. While elaborating on their answers, the team members said they all had faith in the players for this year. They also said the team’s pitching is looking good so far, as well as the team’s chemistry. And while a lot of good players left and went on to play college baseball, they said there are a lot of varsity players returning this year and the new players are showing promise . The team did agree that this season will not be easy, however. “Our biggest challenge is injuries,” said Aidan Shutt, a longtime member of the Kings baseball team. “Our best strength is our pitching, but our greatest weakness is our batting.” Shutt also agrees that West Clermont and Lebanon are the biggest rivals to Kings for this season, and it’s no wonder considering their impressive stats. He also says that they’re still adjusting to the new coach but it’s going well. Without a doubt, this season will not be an easy one, but at the same time our team is showing a lot of promise this season.
All in all, this season is certainly going to be an interesting one for Kings baseball. Our team is looking fantastic so far apart from injuries and rustiness. And while West Clermont and Lebanon may be looking better than us right now, that doesn’t mean we can’t come out on top. There will be many challenges, but our team can overcome them. At this point in time, we should all have faith in the new coach and the baseball team. The question of how this season will go has but one simple answer: only time will tell.